PDF reader that can read out loud
Install Okular
Okular is a universal document viewer with support for advanced document features, such as annotations, forms, and embedded files.
This package provides the document viewer application, plus plugins for a wide variety of document formats such as:
- PostScript (PS)
- Portable Document Format (PDF)
- OpenDocument Text (ODT)
- TeX Device independent file format (DVI)
- XML Paper Specification (XPS)
- G3 fax
- various electronic book formats: ComicBook, FictionBook, and Plucker This package is part of the KDE graphics module.
If KMouth and Jovie is installed, you can use Tools > Speak... to read out the document
Note: The benefit of this solution is that it uses a default Ubuntu app not a KDE one which will require you to download lots of additional libraries (which it will do automatically but may take longer).
Press the Super (Windows) key to open the Dash, type Document Viewer
and press Enter.
Then press Alt + Super + S to turn on the Orca screen reader. Highlight the text you want it to read out and it will.
I tried using other answers given to the question. But I was getting into issues (that were pointed in the comments to the answer).
Here is a quick workaround for the time being I used so that I can use chrome to read out loud my pdf text -
- Installed this extension on chrome called readaloud
- Open your pdf in Chrome Or Use online pdf viewer like sodapdf.com to read the pdf document online on Chrome.
- Now I can select the text I want to read out loud in the pdf. OnRight Clicking I get the option of read-aloud the selected text as I have installed the extension in chrome.
Worked well for me.