Jquery bind double click and single click separately

Solution 1:

I found that John Strickler's answer did not quite do what I was expecting. Once the alert is triggered by a second click within the two-second window, every subsequent click triggers another alert until you wait two seconds before clicking again. So with John's code, a triple click acts as two double clicks where I would expect it to act like a double click followed by a single click.

I have reworked his solution to function in this way and to flow in a way my mind can better comprehend. I dropped the delay down from 2000 to 700 to better simulate what I would feel to be a normal sensitivity. Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/KpCwN/4/.

Thanks for the foundation, John. I hope this alternate version is useful to others.

var DELAY = 700, clicks = 0, timer = null;


    $("a").on("click", function(e){

        clicks++;  //count clicks

        if(clicks === 1) {

            timer = setTimeout(function() {

                alert("Single Click");  //perform single-click action    
                clicks = 0;             //after action performed, reset counter

            }, DELAY);

        } else {

            clearTimeout(timer);    //prevent single-click action
            alert("Double Click");  //perform double-click action
            clicks = 0;             //after action performed, reset counter

    .on("dblclick", function(e){
        e.preventDefault();  //cancel system double-click event


Solution 2:

The solution given from "Nott Responding" seems to fire both events, click and dblclick when doubleclicked. However I think it points in the right direction.

I did a small change, this is the result :

$("#clickMe").click(function (e) {
    var $this = $(this);
    if ($this.hasClass('clicked')){
        alert("Double click");
        //here is your code for double click
        setTimeout(function() { 
            if ($this.hasClass('clicked')){
                alert("Just one click!");
                //your code for single click              
        }, 500);          

Try it


Solution 3:

Sure, bind two handlers, one to click and the other to dblclick. Create a variable that increments on every click. then resets after a set delay. Inside the setTimeout function you can do something...

var DELAY = 2000,
    clicks = 0,
    timer = null;

    click: function(e) {

        timer = setTimeout(function() {
            clicks = 0;
        }, DELAY);

        if(clicks === 1) {
             //do something here

            clicks = 0;

        //Increment clicks
    dblclick: function(e) {
        e.preventDefault(); //don't do anything