How to view the user name of the last person that saved a file in the Windows 7 File explorer “Details view”

How to view the user name of the last person that saved a file in the Windows 7 File explorer "Details view"

When you select any file in Windows and view its properties, you can see the 'property' this file was "Last Saved By" = "user_name"

How can I get this property to show up in the Folder's - Details view.

I can get the property "Date Last saved" to show up in the Details view, but I can't find a way to display the username of the "Last Saved by"

It's not available in the choices to pick up, can anyone else please help. Thanks. I originally asked this on stack overflow and was directed to the super user site.

You can try the "Owner" field column (not attribute as I originally posted). It's not exactly the same as "Last Saved By" but should do the trick 99% of the time.

In your folder view, right-click on a Column header such as "Name" then click "More...". Alternatively, you can click on View from the menu and "Add columns" then "Choose columns". Scroll down in that list until you see Owner and check that box. This shows me who was the last person to save the file which is what I was looking for when I came across this thread.

  1. Run Regedit.
  2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\SystemFileAssociations\.xls (Or whatever file type you want to edit.)
  3. Edit the PreviewDetails string adding whatever you want to show up in the order you want it to show up. To add the last modified by add this to the string: System.Document.LastAuthor;. If not sure what the value should be, open and look at the string in full details to see what it should be. You can not add anything that is not listed in the full details.

  4. Close the explorer window and when you reopen and click on that file type, you should see the value showing in the detail pane at the bottom.

As answered by Dylan Nicholson in the link below, the "Owner" property is what you're looking for.