AWS: how to log into management console in browser via *username*/password, NOT via *email*/password?

For years, I have had a personal AWS account (for developer purposes) in which I've created various EC2 instances at different times.

Today, one of my clients has asked me to log into his AWS account in order to create an instance. He provided his username (not an email address) and password.

I assumed that logging in to my client's account would be perfectly straightforward.

First, I went to and clicked "My Account / Console" -> "AWS Management Console", as shown in this screenshot:

Upon clicking "AWS Management Console", the following login page appears:

login at aws

Notice that this login page requires an email address. Unfortunately, my client did not provide me with an email address, but rather with a username (not an email address). I attempted to use this username (and the password provided to me), but the error There was a problem with your request appears, as shown in this image:

failed AWS login

I have also had a previous client who utilized AIM, so I attempted to use the AIM users sign-in link ( of the form I attempted to use this URL (with my client's username in place of My_AWS_Account_ID), but the URL was dead.

I then emailed my client explaining the issue.

Here is my client's response:

Go to

Select "My Account / Console" | "AWS Management Console"

You should get this:

(see image below)

That's all I usually need to do. Let me know if there is a problem.

Here is the image referenced in the above quote:

different AWS login with username and password

Lo and behold, the screenshot included by my client prompts for a username and password (not email and password)! (Note that my client also provided the Account required for the login page.) In an attempt to access this login page, I manually typed the URL I see in the screenshot: - but I was re-routed back to the login page prompting for the email and password.

What is going on here? Why is it impossible for me to access the login page that my client indicates? Why does my client indicate the identical set of steps to access the login page, but this results in a different login page when I try it?

Most importantly, how do I access the same login page that my client sees - the one prompting for a username and password (as well as account name), rather than an email and password?

Solution 1:

In, the value you are looking for to replace My_AWS_Account_ID is not the username... it's the account name (the account under which the username exists).

It's also, presumably, the value you blacked-out under "Account" in the screenshot you posted.

Put those two pieces of information together and at the newly-crafted url, you should find the login screen you're looking for.