How to get images to appear in Excel given image url

Solution 1:

Dim url_column As Range
Dim image_column As Range

Set url_column = Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Columns("A")
Set image_column = Worksheets(1).UsedRange.Columns("B")

Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To url_column.Cells.Count

  With image_column.Worksheet.Pictures.Insert(url_column.Cells(i).Value)
    .Left = image_column.Cells(i).Left
    .Top = image_column.Cells(i).Top
    image_column.Cells(i).EntireRow.RowHeight = .Height
  End With


As Excel behaviour has apparently changed over years, you might want to specify more parameters to the Insert call explicitly:

For people landing here. Different versions of Excel handle this request differently, Excel 2007 will insert the picture as an object, ie embed it in the workbook. Excel 2010 will insert it as a link, which is bad times if you plan on sending it to anyone. You need to change the insert to specify that it is embedded: Insert(Filename:= <path>, LinkToFile:= False, SaveWithDocument:= True)

Solution 2:

On Google Sheets you can add the IMAGE(url) method to your CSV file and it will be rendered (Tested on Google Sheets).

Here is an example:
