Is there a good (preferably comprehensive) list of which conjectures imply the Riemann Hypothesis?

I looked through the wikipedia link, it is also weak on statements equivalent to RH.

The three elementary ones all go back to NICOLAS, see item number 87 at PAPERs which has a pdf and is Jean-Louis Nicolas. Petites valeurs de la fonction d'Euler, J. Number Theory, 17, 1983, 375--388. petitsphi83.pdf

See also PLANAT for a fascinating relationship with Cramer's conjecture. And Is the Euler phi function bounded below?

Next is Robin 1984 . Robin was a student of Nicolas. Evidently I got this article from the library.


These are the ones I would choose to tell students, especially Nicolas. I did a pretty substantial computation of the relevant estimates using the primorial numbers. The relevant column just kept growing, but Planat showed that if it grows forever (the limit is 1) there would be trouble.

Also see any answers I gave with the words Highly Composite Numbers or Colossally Abundant Numbers. seems good, also and and and

Planat numbers:

enter image description here

The best I have found so far is: The Riemann Hypothesis A Resource for the Afficionado and Virtuoso Alike.

The is a whole chapter on equivalences.