How to print the list of running processes, in Windows
The tasklist
command will output a list of all running processes. You can redirect it to a text file with tasklist > filename.txt
and then print that file using Notepad or any other program that handles text files.
In PowerShell you could use: get-process
or get-wmiobject WIN32_PROCESS
Ok, but can PowerShell show more details? More than CMD tasklist?
get-process | format-table -property * -autosize
gps | ft * -auto
(same command, but shorter version) -
get-wmiobject WIN32_PROCESS | format-table -property * -autosize
gwmi WIN32_PROCESS | ft * -auto
(same command, but shorter version)
Uh, thats too much detail. Can I select the columns I need?
gps | ft name,ID,sessionID,basepriority,priorityClass,path -auto
gwmi WIN32_PROCESS | ft name,processID,priority,CommandLine -auto
Ah, better. But some columns are truncated. I can avoid this by saving to file, right?
gps | ft * -auto | Out-File D:\process-list.txt -Width 4096
gwmi WIN32_PROCESS | ft * -auto | Out-File D:\process-list.txt -Width 4096
Wonderful. What about printing it directly?
gps | ft * -auto | Out-Printer
gwmi WIN32_PROCESS | ft * -auto | Out-Printer
Can I also export them as CSV ?
gps | select * | Export-Csv D:\process-list.csv
gwmi WIN32_PROCESS | select * | Export-Csv D:\process-list.csv
Oh thats cool. Can I sort the output by memory or CPU usage?
gwmi WIN32_PROCESS | Sort ws -desc | ft name, @{Name="Mem Usage (KB)";Expression={[math]::round($ / 1kb)}} -auto
gwmi Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process | sort PercentProcessorTime -desc| ft name, PercentProcessorTime -auto
All commands are fully explained on together with some examples and available aliases.