sequelize.import is not a function

Solution 1:

The error is caused by using the sequelize import object. Instead you should use Node's built in CommonJS require function. So change this line in your models/index.js:

const model = sequelize['import'](path.join(__dirname, file))


const model = require(path.join(__dirname, file))(sequelize, Sequelize.DataTypes)

You can also just regenerate the models directory and readd your models without the old index.js if you find that easier:

mv models models.bak && sequelize init:models && mv models.bak/index.js models.bak/index.js.bak && mv models.bak/* models/ && rm models.bak

That one liner will fix your problem if you have sequelize-cli installed globally. If you don't you can use this one:

npm i --save-dev sequelize-cli && mv models models.bak && npx sequelize init:models && mv models.bak/index.js models.bak/index.js.bak && mv models.bak/* models/ && rm models.bak

You may also need to update your config folder. I use a JavaScript config to inject ENVs, so I had to add to change my const config = require(... line to reflect that. If you used one of my one liners your old models/index.js file is now at index.js.bak if you need to grab any custom stuff from it.

Solution 2:

As of now I was able to fix the issue by downgrading the sequelize module version in your package.json to "sequelize": "^5.22.3",. do let me know if it is also fixed on your side.

Edit: any sequelize version under < 6.0.0 should work as normal

Solution 3:

This might help someone else out there, in version 6.6.5 it's deprecated and you should replace it with sequelize.define.

Solution 4:

  1. Check that you do not have files in models directory that are not exporting anything.
  2. Check that your exports are functions with same parameters as the instance it is being called in the require statement.

In any case like mine, I had empty files in my models directory. require(...) is not a function simply because the index logic is iterating over and importing files that do not export anything from the models directory.