Windows 7 not able to connect to Samba

I'm trying out Win7, and i'm trying to connect to the networked samba share as I have been able to in Vista & XP with no issues. Samba is running on Ubuntu, if that helps.

I've tried changing the following in the local security policy as i've seen on as the answer on some sites, and it's still not working:

Local Policies - Security Options

Network security: LAN Manager authentication level Send LM & NTLM responses

Minimum session security for NTLM SSP

Disable Require 128-bit encryption

I am getting this in my samba error log:

[2009/09/06 15:15:53, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_data(534)
  read_data: read failure for 4 bytes to client Error = Connection reset by peer

Has anyone seen this issue yet?

Solution 1:

Are you running Samba 3? If you are try adding this to the smb.conf

client ntlmv2 auth = yes