How to change font color in R Markdown Powerpoint

I am using R Markdown to create a PowerPoint presentation and would like to change the font color in one of the slides. I am wondering if that's possible? It applies to only one slide so can't change in PowerPoint template. All the solutions I have found so far seem to be for HTML and PDF documents only.

  • CSS for html document
title: "Example"
author: ""
date: "09/07/2020"

## R Markdown

<span style="color: red;">
This is an R Markdown presentation. 
I would like this text in red.

  • LaTex for pdf
title: "Example"
author: ""
date: "09/07/2020"

## R Markdown

This is an R Markdown presentation. 
I would like this text in red.}

You can do it using {officedown} an {officer} packages as suggested in chapter 8.3 of Rmarkdown Cook book.

1- Use the officedown::rpptx_document document output

2- Load officedown and officer packages

3- create the style to apply to the individual element in a chunk with fp_text()

4- Apply the style with in line code

title: Style text with officedown
  officedown::rpptx_document: default

`` `{r setup, include=FALSE}

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)


ft <- fp_text(color = 'red', bold = TRUE)
`` `

## R Markdown

This is an R Markdown presentation. 
`r ftext("I would like this text in red", ft)`.