git push origin master:fix78 pushes the local master to a remote branch called fix78. You wanted to push the local branch fix78, which has the same syntax but without the master:

You can fix it by doing git push origin :fix78 to delete the remote branch and then git push origin fix78 to push your local branch to the remote repo.

The push command has the form of

git push remote_name source_ref:destination_ref

All you need to do to correct your error is

git push origin +fix78:fix78

The plus indicates that you don't care about that branch potentially losing history as the previous push was an error.

Alternate syntax is

git push -f origin fix78

if you omit the destination, it's implied that it's the same name. If tracking is set up to a particular branch on the remote it will go to that one. Deleting branches has 2 syntaxes, the old:

git push -f origin :fix78


git push --delete origin fix78

The first is read as "push nothing into fix78" which deletes it.

One trick is that if you specify . as the remote name, it implies the current repo as the remote. This is useful for updating a local branch without having to check it out:

git push . origin/master:master

will update master without having to checkout master.

Hope this helps