Suggestions for remote desktop solution [closed]

I have a laptop and a desktop computer. I am tired of having two different machines. When I am away from home I would like to use my laptop as if it were my home computer.

I do a lot of game development (C#/C++) so the solution would need to be capable of showing direct3d. It does not need to be real-time just fast enough to be interactive (hopefully > 5fps).

Also, my laptop is a MacBook pro however I do run Windows on it as well as OS X and VMware fusion.

Check out TeamViewer. Minimal configuration required and I've played fullscreen games on other people's computers with it remotely, so your Direct3D requirement should be fine. Albeit the FPS wasn't the best, but you can turn down the resolution and definitely achieve at least 5fps+.

There is also RDP for Mac, not sure if it supports D3D though.

other programs which require a bit of configuration:

  • VNC
  • NoMachine

Take a look at StreamMyGame. It works for playing games remotely so I would assume it would meet your needs.