"No object for D-Bus interface" when mounting with Nautilus

I have an internal HDD that gives this error when I try to mount either of its two partitions in Nautilus, while my main HDD works fine.

When I use Disks to mount it works but unmounting in Nautilus gives the same error. mount works too.

dmesg and syslog shows nothing special, so I don't know where to look for the relevant log. I hope someone can provide me some hints on this issue.

Apparently this question appeared on Google and many people are asking me to post an answer, so here it is.

  1. First, go to Dash (for Ubuntu) or run gparted using superuser, preferrably gparted-pkexec.
  2. Right click the partition, choose New UUID.
  3. Click the Apply button.

This solution should be permanent until you mess something up, so no worries.

Update: Some people claimed that just by having gparted refreshing information, the problems are solved. You should try that first, as refreshing UUID screws up fstab.

I managed to workaround this issue online by simply restarting the gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor user service:

systemctl --user restart gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor

After that, mounting disks in Nautilus worked fine.

I have temporary solution, try mounting with

sudo mount /dev/... /mnt/tothisdir

Or use "Disk" to mount or any other but not nautilus

Maybe you should have a look at my Question & Solution for a detailed analysis ...

In short the GNOME Virtual File System or gvfs is not working at all.

However Do Not unmount & remove the /run/user/[USER ID]/gvfs folder as suggested by other posters here (default User ID is 1000).

Find your gvfs folder and [USER ID]

$ mount | grep gvfs
gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/[USER ID]/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=jean)

List mount points used by gvfs. [NOTE: Since gvfs is not working it should be empty]

$ ls -als /run/user/[USER ID]/gvfs
total 0
0 dr-x------  2 jean jean   0 Dec 22 17:42 .
0 drwx------ 10 jean jean 260 Dec 22 17:42 ..

Check whether the gvfsd daemon process is active

$ ps axu | grep gvfsd
jean      5993  0.0  0.0 680372  6356 ?        Sl   17:42   0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd

Kill it with the following cmd.

$ sudo killall -9 gvfsd

Then relaunch the daemon (process)

$ sudo /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-fuse /run/user/[USER ID]/gvfs

Well, that's it. It didn't show up straight as I needed to completely shutdown and restart the system (restarting the system without a complete shutdown will not work for me). But right after the system restart, gvfs worked fine and I had access to all partitions / drives within Nemo / Nautilus.

Previously, restarting the system would not solve anything.