Resolution 2880 x 1800 not available in Windows 8 (VMware Fusion 5)

I've installed Windows 8 in a VMware Fusion 5 virtual machine. Actually, I upgraded the virtual machine from VMware Fusion 4.

I'd like to set my retina MacBook Pro's resolution to the display's native resolution 2880 x 1800, but Windows doesn't offer the option for that resolution. The maximum is 2560 x 1920 (or 2650 x 1600).

Is there a way to let Windows know that I'm using a 2880 x 1800 display? Do I have to install a monitor driver in Windows?

Per VMware's Retina KB article, you can enable 1:1 pixel mapping for a Fusion 5 VM by going to Settings → Display and checking Use full resolution for Retina display.

If after that you don't see the 2880x1800 resolution, you need to make some manual tweaks, following this KB article:

  1. Open the .vmx file in a text editor.
  2. Add the line svga.autodetect = "FALSE"
  3. Add (or update if it already exists) svga.vramSize = 20774912
  4. Add (or update if they already exist) svga.maxWidth = 2880 and svga.maxHeight = 1800
  5. Save the file and open your Windows VM.
  6. In the Windows registry (Start → Run → regedit) search for the vmx_svga key. Per the article, "The correct key has several sub-keys, but it is the main key that should be edited."
  7. Create a new string value (REG_SZ) named Resolution.x, where x is one higher than the highest number listed.
  8. Enter 2880x1800 as the new value.
  9. Restart Windows.
  10. Open the Display Control Panel to change to your new resolution