Do all C++ operators return something?

All C++ operators that I have worked with return something, for example the + operator returns the result of the addition.

Do all C++ operators return something, or are there some C++ operators that do not return anything?

Solution 1:

No, not all operators return something.

Although they are probably not exactly what you are thinking about, note that the delete and delete[] C++ 'keywords' are actually operators; and they are defined as having the void return type - which means they evaluate to nothing (which is not 'something').

From cppreference:

void operator delete  ( void* ptr ) noexcept;
void operator delete[]( void* ptr ) noexcept;

Solution 2:

Operators of custom types can be overloaded to do the most weirdest things.

for example the + operator returns the result of the addition.

Not necessarily:

#include <iostream>
struct foo {
    int value = 0;
    void operator+(int x) {
        value += x;

int main () {
    foo f;
    f + 3;

Here operator+ adds the left hand side to the value member, and its return type is void. This is a made-up example, but, in general, not returning something from a custom operator is not unusual.

The only operator that can be overloaded and that has the requirement of returning something, that I am aware of, is operator->. It must either return a raw pointer or an object that has an operator->.

Solution 3:

To nitpick, operators don't return anything. They are just lexical elements that we use to create expressions in the language. Now, expressions have types and may evaluate to values, and I assume this is what you mean by operators "returning things".

And, well, yes. There are C++ expressions with type void (and consequentially don't evaluate to any value). Some are obvious, others less so. A nice example would be

throw std::runtime_error()

throw is an expression under the C++ grammar. You can use it in other expressions, for instance in the conditional expression

return goodStatus() ? getValue() : throw std::runtime_error();

And the type of a throw expression, is void. Obviously since this just causes execution to rapidly go elsewhere, the expression has no value.

Solution 4:

None of the built-in C++ operators return something. Overloaded C++ operators return something insofar that the operator notation is a syntactic sugar for a function call.

Rather, operators all evaluate to something. That something has a well-defined value as well as a type. Even the function call operator void operator()(/*params*/) is a void type.

For example, +'a' is an int type with the value of 'a' encoded on your platform.

If your question is "Can C++ operators have a void return type?" then the answer is most certainly yes.

Solution 5:

You can actually define a function call operator to return nothing. For example:

struct Task {
   void operator()() const;