jQuery Popup Bubble/Tooltip [closed]

Solution 1:

Qtip is the best one I've seen. It's MIT licensed, beautiful, has all the configuration you need.

My favorite lightweight option is tipsy. Also MIT licensed. It inspired Bootstrap's tooltip plugin.

Solution 2:

This can be done easily with the mouseover event as well. I've done it and it doesn't take 200 lines at all. Start with triggering the event, then use a function that will create the tooltip.

$('span.clickme').mouseover(function(event) {
    // create a hidefunction on the callback if you want

function createTooltip(event){          
    $('<div class="tooltip">test</div>').appendTo('body');

Then you create a function that position the tooltip with the offset position of the DOM-element that triggered the mouseover event, this is doable with css.

function positionTooltip(event){
    var tPosX = event.pageX - 10;
    var tPosY = event.pageY - 100;
    $('div.tooltip').css({'position': 'absolute', 'top': tPosY, 'left': tPosX});

Solution 3:

Although qTip (the accepted answer) is good, I started using it, and it lacked some features I needed.

I then stumbled upon PoshyTip - it is very flexible, and really easy to use. (And I could do what I needed)

Solution 4:

Ok, after some work I'm able to get a "bubble" to pop up and go away at all the right times. There is a LOT of styling that needs to happen still but this is basically the code i used.

<script type="text/javascript">
    //--indicates the mouse is currently over a div
    var onDiv = false;
    //--indicates the mouse is currently over a link
    var onLink = false;
    //--indicates that the bubble currently exists
    var bubbleExists = false;
    //--this is the ID of the timeout that will close the window if the user mouseouts the link
    var timeoutID;

    function addBubbleMouseovers(mouseoverClass) {
        $("."+mouseoverClass).mouseover(function(event) {
            if (onDiv || onLink) {
                return false;

            onLink = true;

            showBubble.call(this, event);

        $("." + mouseoverClass).mouseout(function() {
            onLink = false;
            timeoutID = setTimeout(hideBubble, 150);

    function hideBubble() {
        //--if the mouse isn't on the div then hide the bubble
        if (bubbleExists && !onDiv) {

             bubbleExists = false;

    function showBubble(event) {
        if (bubbleExists) {

        var tPosX = event.pageX + 15;
        var tPosY = event.pageY - 60;
        $('<div ID="bubbleID" style="top:' + tPosY + '; left:' + tPosX + '; position: absolute; display: inline; border: 2px; width: 200px; height: 150px; background-color: Red;">TESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!</div>').mouseover(keepBubbleOpen).mouseout(letBubbleClose).appendTo('body');

        bubbleExists = true;

    function keepBubbleOpen() {
        onDiv = true;

    function letBubbleClose() {
        onDiv = false;


    $("document").ready(function() {

Here is a snippet of the html that goes with it:

<a href="" class="temp1">Mouseover this for a terribly ugly red bubble!</a>