How to know which fonts are installed on CentOS?

Solution 1:

As for question one, fc-list gives you all fonts.

${HOME}/.fonts will contain additional fonts for your user.

fc-list | grep "Courier New" allows you to check if that particular font is installed.

Solution 2:


# fc-list

You can find all true type fonts in your disk with find: (caution: it can take long time to process)

# find / -type f -name "*.ttf"

Solution 3:

There is a command xlsfonts to list all fonts available in X.

Solution 4:

you can also try with python. For example using matplotlib:

python -c 'import matplotlib.font_manager; print "\n".join(matplotlib.font_manager.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None, fontext="ttf"))'

on my linux it gives me output like:


UPDATE: Ofcourse you need python-matplotlib package for that. Try with yum, if not found , you can install it via pip or easy install, so:

sudo yum install python-matplotlib


pip install matplotlib


easy_install matplotlib