Installing Spotify [duplicate]
Open your favorite terminal, or just any.
ctrl + alt +t
should open the default terminal, if not, search for terminal in the application menu.
Paste in
echo 'deb stable non-free' | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list
It will ask for your user password, just type it in (you can't see the characters, but it's there, just type and press enter when done.)
Then paste
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 94558F59
And then, guess what, paste in (we'll combine the two last commands here)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install spotify-client
You can paste in the terminal with ctrl + shift + v
, right click or by right clicking and selecting paste, depending on the terminal.
If you're running 15.04, running spotify-client will probably cause whining about missing dependencies, here's a link about that.
If the link goes dead, I've included the basic stuff from that below.
Download if your system is 32-bit
Download if your system is 64-bit
Then navigate to where ever you downloaded said files, and run
sudo dpkg -i libcrypt11*
And you should be up and running before you can say streichholzschächtelchen.
Spotify is now available as a snap so you can find it in Ubuntu Software, or install in a terminal with one command:-
snap install spotify