How Do I Document Packages in Java?

In the Java APIs I can see Javadoc comments for packages.

How/where do I place Javadoc comments to document a package?

As of 1.5 you can define a file and provide a standard javadoc style comment for a package:


 * is a group of bar utils for operating on foo things.

//rest of the file is empty

Language specification for packages

Up to and including Java 1.4, you had to provide a HTML file package.html, as described in the other answers.

Since Java 1.5 you can also provide a, which contains a regular Javadoc comment (no HTML). The latter is preferred, as it gives you some extra features (notably package annotations).

Details: Sun's docs for javadoc

With a package.html file at the package level (i.e. in the directory for that package). This should be a fully-formed HTML file, with the <html> tag defined in it