How to map or copy a wordpress site to a subfolder in an existing site's route?

I have a Wordpress blog ( I have a nuxt personal website which is hosted on aws.

Now I wish to map or migrate the Wordpress blog ( to my personal site (

How can we achieve this? should show my personal site and should take you to my blog.

Can I configure this in Wordpress or what else can I do to achieve this?

I tried mapping it to a new domain, but I’m not sure how to map to a particular route and get it to work when I visit ({blog-name}.

Yes, you can set up a WP site in a subfolder of your main website. I don't recommend doing it manually, too much can go wrong. Use a plugin such as Duplicator - it's so simple to use:

  1. Install it on the site to copy and build a package - this packages your entire website into a single zip file
  2. Copy this ZIP file and installer.php to the the hosting new location on your hosting (e.g.
  3. Create a new empty database
  4. Run the installer wizard and make sure the URL in the new settings is

That's it!

You can have the entire site set up & running perfectly in just minutes! it will even set up .htaccess correctly.

No more setting up the database, changing urls in the database, 404 errors, broken links, broken images, etc. Moving a Wordpress site manually can be tricky and you can waste hours trying to fix the issues. Even agencies use a plugin to avoid the problems.