How can I tell which weapon is rare in Mass Effect 3?
In Mass Effect 3 multiplayer store, you get to purchase various packs at different prices. For instance, the Spectre Pack gives you at least one Rare item out of the 5 random items that you receive.
My question is, how can I tell which weapon is rare, which is uncommon and which is common? Essentially if I want a specific weapon, knowing its rarity allows me to decide which pack to stick to buying.
Solution 1:
Class • Common (blue) • Uncommon (silver) • Rare (gold)
Adept • Human Male/Female • Drell • Asari/Asari Justicar
Engineer • Human Male/Female • Salarian • Quarian/Geth
Infiltrator • Human Male/Female • Quarian • Salarian/Geth
Sentinel • Human Male/Female • Turian • Krogan/Batarian
Soldier • Human Male/Female • Turian • Krogan/Batarian
Vanguard • Human Male/Female • Asari • Drell/Krogan Battlemaster
You can find both lists here.
Weapon • Common (blue) • Uncommon (silver) • Rare (gold) • Ultra-Rare (black)
- Assault Rifles
- (Blue) M-8 Avenger
- (Silver) M-15 Vindicator/M-96 Mattock/Phaeston
- (Gold) Geth Pulse Rifle/Collector Assault Rifle/M-37 Falcon/M-76 Revenant/Striker Assault Rifle
- (Black) M-99 Saber
- Heavy Pistols
- (Blue) M-3 Predator
- (Silver) M-5 Phalanx
- (Gold) Arc Pistol/M-6 Carnifex
- (Black) M-77 Paladin/Scorpion/M-358 Talon/N7 Eagle
- Shotguns
- (Blue) M-23 Katana
- (Silver) M-22 Eviscerator/M-27 Scimitar
- (Gold) Disciple/Geth Plasma Shotgun/Graal Spike Thrower/M-300 Claymore
- (Black) M-11 Wraith/N7 Crusader
- Sniper Rifles
- (Blue) M-92 Mantis
- (Silver) M-13 Raptor/M-29 Incisor/M-97 Viper
- (Gold) M-98 Widow/Kishock Harpoon Gun
- (Black) Black Widow/Javelin/N7 Valiant
- Submachine Guns
- (Blue) M-4 Shuriken
- (Silver) M-12 Locust/M-9 Tempest
- (Gold) M-25 Hornet/Geth Plasma SMG3
- (Black) N7 Hurricane
Solution 2:
When you open a pack, the item cards themselves show their rarity based on the color of the edge of the card.
The Drell Vanguard is a rare, and so is gold.
Silver means uncommon, and Black with an N7 logo means "Ultra Rare".