Where can I learn the basics of writing a lexer?

Basically there are two main approaches to writing a lexer:

  1. Creating a hand-written one in which case I recommend this small tutorial.
  2. Using some lexer generator tools such as lex. In this case, I recommend reading the tutorials to the particular tool of choice.

Also I would like to recommend the Kaleidoscope tutorial from the LLVM documentation. It runs through the implementation of a simple language and in particular demonstrates how to write a small lexer. There is a C++ and an Objective Caml version of the tutorial.

The classical textbook on the subject is Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools also known as the Dragon Book. However this probably falls under the category of "fairly advanced write ups".

The Dragon Book is probably the definitive guide on the subject, although it can be a bit overwhelming. Language Implementation Patterns and Programming Language Pragmatics are great resources as well.