Solution 1:

Presumably this is an error from a configure script?

The error is referring to pkg-config package files. These do not correspond one-to-one with Ubuntu/Debian package names (since they are not Debian or Ubuntu specific).

In this particular case, the dbus-1.pc file is found in the libdbus-1-dev Ubuntu package, and dbus-glib-1.pc is found in the libdbus-glib-1-dev Ubuntu package. Installing those two should satisfy the dependencies of that configure script check.

Solution 2:

Very simple. First check your ubuntu version by running the command lsb_release -a. Go to, search package name what do you want like your ubuntu version.


sudo apt-get install glib-2.0
sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev

Note: install with version, not package name!