How do I get rid of all the Unity bars?

To make my question as simple as possible, I'll start with showing my desktop, so that I don't need to describe everything in words:

Basically this is how I have been using Ubuntu 10.04 since it's been released: all ubuntu/gnome panels erased and only AWN (Awant Window Navigator) running on the left side of the screen.

How possible is it to get as close to this look as possible in Ubuntu 11.10 without downgrading to gnome 2?

Possible solutions I can roughly think of, but am not sure how to accomplish them:

1) Use Unity interface, hide the Unity launcher and try to get used to the necessary top panel (I don't think that can be erased, or can it?)

2) Use Gnome interface and somehow erase all the panels/launchers?

enter image description here

Well almost - once this bug is resolved then the top pesky nautilus menu-bar will disappear!

How to...

  1. Some prerequisites - install gnome-session-fallback & avant-window-navigator.
  2. Logout and login with the new session "gnome classic"
  3. start awn-settings and configure awn as you need to - ensure you tick the box to start awn automatically.
  4. Run gnome-session-properties and add a new item compiz --replace
  5. Edit /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-classic.session and remove "gnome-panel"
  6. Edit /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-fallback.session and remove "gnome-panel"
  7. Logout and login

RiMMER, your desktop screenshot looks almost exactly like Unity except for a missing top-panel.

To change the default Unity to something more similar to your screenshot first install CompizConfig Settings Manager (CCSM). Click the "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" button.

  • under the BEHAVIOR tab, find where it says "Hide Launcher" and change the setting to "Never."

  • under the EXPERIMENTAL tab, find where it says "Launcher icon size" and shrink the icon size to a size of your choosing.

  • to my knowledge it is not possible to "delete" the top-panel so I suggest you just learn to live with it. It is non-intrusive, not very big, and actively participates in application functions (e.g., application menus and maximized-window-controls).

I really dislike the new gnome user interface. I love the old classic look and feel so I went back with the help of the following question:

  • How to revert to GNOME Classic Desktop?

Then I alt + right clik each of the panel (top, right and bottom) and set their properties to autohide and once more my mind is at ease. Thus far, no errors and desktop makes sense again.