How to set default scale for bc calculator?

Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

How do I set the default scale for the bc calculator? Each time I run bc I want scale=2 to be the default, I want to limit all calculations to 2 decimal places. I made a file in my home dir called .bc and inside it I put scale=2 on the first line followed by a carriage return.

Permissions on ~/.bc are: -rw-rw-rw-. Is that right?

Then I did set BC_ENV_ARGS=~/.bc; export BC_ENV_ARGS. Then I ran bc, did a test like 8.37843*32.190233, and still got more than 2 decimal places.

The online manual did not provide any examples on doing this, so please don't direct me to there.


EDIT: Ok when I do a test like 78/31 it gives me 2 decimals. But when I do my test above, it gives me more than 2 decimals. Why is that? I always want to show only 2 decimals.

Solution 1:

As muru said, the scale of the result is the maximum scale of the expression involved. but if you want to set the scale for division (want to set the truncation level), place a file .bc in your home (ex. /home/yourid/.bc) and edit it to contain (the file name can be anything)

scale=8  (whatever you want)

Then in your .cshrc file put

setenv BC_ENV_ARGS '/home/yourid/.bc'

Thisway, your default scale is set to 8.

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Solution 2:

quick addendum to what muru said for bash users:

Instead of cshrc, add the following line to your .bashrc in /home/yourname/.bashrc:

export BC_ENV_ARGS=/home/<yourname>/.bc

Solution 3:

Put this in your ~/.bashrc, it will give you two decimals:

alias bc="BC_ENV_ARGS=<(echo "scale=2") \bc"

Do a . ~/.bashrc afterwards to load the changes.