How to install snappy Ubuntu 15.04 Core images on a PC

Can you please help with some instructions on how to install Snappy Ubuntu core on an AMD64 PC?

I can find the image at this URL.

But I've not been successful installing booting it of an USB and installing it.

I can't find a way to this type of image (ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64+generic.img.xz) on a USB stick. I've tried to uncompress it and to use Win32DiskImager, but the resulting USB stick wouldn't boot.

Can you please help with some instructions on how to be able to install this image on a PC?

Many thanks

I don't think you can install Ubuntu snappy directly to your PC.

According to the official link:

Snappy will run on:


  • Launch an Ubuntu Core instance on Azure
  • Launch an Ubuntu Core instance on Google Compute Engine
  • Launch an Ubuntu Core instance on Amazon EC2
  • Launch an Ubuntu Core instance as an OVA image
  • Launch an Ubuntu Core instance on Vagrant


  • Get started with a Beaglebone Black
  • Get started with a Raspberry Pi 2


  • Launch an Ubuntu Core instance locally (KVM)

So to work locally you have to use KVM

Check the link to learn how to use it using KVM on Local PC

Install quemu-kvm:

sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm

Then download the image


and extract:

unxz ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz

start kvm:

kvm -m 512 -redir :8090::80 -redir :8022::22 ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img

and connect

ssh -p 8022 ubuntu@localhost

User is "ubuntu", password is "ubuntu".

Thx @FlorianDiesch:

If you want to use VirtualBox instead of KVM use

VBoxManage convertfromraw ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.vdi --format vdi

to convert the image to an image suitable for VirtualBox

For a local installation:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snappy-dev/beta
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install snappy-tools bzr


$ wget
$ unxz -c ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=32M
$ sync


Virtualbox will run on a cpu that does not have virtual machine extensions(vmx). There are instructions on how to use the pre-built vagrant image with virtualbox:-

"For our Vagrant users, we are now publishing Snappy Images for Vagrant. These images are bit-for-bit the same as the KVM images, but packaged for Vagrant. A special "cloud-config" drive is included that enables SSH."

On Ubuntu 14.04 or later, you need to install Vagrant:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install vagrant