How to convert parquet file to CSV using .NET Core?

With Cinchoo ETL - an open source library, you can convert Parquet file to CSV easily.

Install Nuget package

install-package ChoETL.Parquet

Sample code

using ChoETL;

StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
using (var r = new ChoParquetReader(@"*** Your Parquet file ***")
    .ParquetOptions(o => o.TreatByteArrayAsString = true)
    using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(csv)


For more information, please visit codeproject article.

I haven't given it a shot, but I wonder whether you could leverage / abuse the Microsoft Spark SQL libraries to your benefit.



And also:

DataFrameWriter.Csv(String) Method

I wonder whether you could use a DataFrame as an in memory intermediary.

It's just a guess at the moment as your question intrigued me, perhaps I'll give it a shot once I've got some sleep. :-)