?: ?? Operators Instead Of IF|ELSE

Solution 1:

For [1], you can't: these operators are made to return a value, not perform operations.

The expression

a ? b : c

evaluates to b if a is true and evaluates to c if a is false.

The expression

b ?? c

evaluates to b if b is not null and evaluates to c if b is null.

If you write

return a ? b : c;


return b ?? c;

they will always return something.

For [2], you can write a function that returns the right value that performs your "multiple operations", but that's probably worse than just using if/else.

Solution 2:

The ternary operator (?:) is not designed for control flow, it's only designed for conditional assignment. If you need to control the flow of your program, use a control structure, such as if/else.

Solution 3:

Refering to ?: Operator (C# Reference)

The conditional operator (?:) returns one of two values depending on the value of a Boolean expression. Following is the syntax for the conditional operator.

Refering to ?? Operator (C# Reference)

The ?? operator is called the null-coalescing operator and is used to define a default value for a nullable value types as well as reference types. It returns the left-hand operand if it is not null; otherwise it returns the right operand.

That means:

[Part 1]

return source ?? String.Empty;

[Part 2] is not applicable ...

Solution 4:

The "do nothing" doesn't really work for ?

if by // Return Nothing you actually mean return null then write

return Source;

if you mean, ignore the codepath then write

 if ( Source != null )
                return Source;
// source is null so continue on.

And for the last

 if ( Source != value )
            { Source = value;
                RaisePropertyChanged ( "Source" );

// nothing done.