Is it possible to install Office 365 (2013) on Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet? [duplicate]

I would like to install Office 2015/365 on Ubuntu 15.04. I tried to install Office using Wine, but that did not work. Please note that I do not want virtualisation unless it has a Winconn-like behaviour, where application windows are treated like regular Ubuntu application windows by the system.

To my experience, the best way to use Office in Ubuntu is by just installing VirtualBox and make a new Windows virtual machine and install Office on it. From there, you have several options to integrate the Office apps more tightly in Ubuntu.

My favorite way is configure it using this solution: *snip* Unfortunately the user deleted the original video :(

Basically what you do is start Windows "headless" (that is, without a visible window) and then using an RDP client you can start all the Office apps. You can even create nice launchers for them in Ubuntu.