Fastest way to remove hyphens from a string

I have IDs that look like: 185-51-671 but they can also have letters at the end, 175-1-7b

All I want to do is remove the hyphens, as a pre-processing step. Show me some cool ways to do this in javascript? I figure there are probably quite a few questions like this one, but I'm interested to see what optimizations people will come up with for "just hyphens"


edit: I am using jQuery, so I guess .replace(a,b) does the trick (replacing a with b)

numberNoHyphens = number.replace("-","");

any other alternatives?

edit #2:

So, just in case anyone is wondering, the correct answer was

numberNoHyphens = number.replace(/-/g,"");

and you need the "g" which is the pattern switch or "global flag" because

numberNoHyphens = number.replace(/-/,"");

will only match and replace the first hyphen

Solution 1:

You need to include the global flag:

var str="185-51-671";
var newStr = str.replace(/-/g, "");

Solution 2:

This is not faster, but


should also work.

I set up a jsperf test if anyone wants to add and compare their methods, but it's unlikely anything will be faster than the replace method.