Best way to share data between two child components in Blazor
Solution 1:
You may define a class service that implements the State pattern and the Notifier pattern to handle the state of your objects, pass state to objects, and notify subscriber objects of changes.
Here's a simplified example of such service, which enables a parent component to communicate with his children.
public class NotifierService
private readonly List<string> values = new List<string>();
public IReadOnlyList<string> ValuesList => values;
public NotifierService()
public async Task AddTolist(string value)
await Notify?.Invoke();
public event Func<Task> Notify;
@inject NotifierService Notifier
@implements IDisposable
<div>User puts in something</div>
<input type="text" @bind="@value" />
<button @onclick="@AddValue">Add value</button>
@foreach (var value in Notifier.ValuesList)
@code {
private string value { get; set; }
public async Task AddValue()
await Notifier.AddTolist(value);
public async Task OnNotify()
await InvokeAsync(() =>
protected override void OnInitialized()
Notifier.Notify += OnNotify;
public void Dispose()
Notifier.Notify -= OnNotify;
@inject NotifierService Notifier
<div>Displays Value from service and lets user put in new value</div>
<input type="text" @bind="@value" />
<button @onclick="@AddValue">Set Value</button>
@code {
private string value { get; set; }
public async Task AddValue()
await Notifier.AddTolist(value);
@page "/"
Hope this helps...