How to make a bootable mac usb IN ubuntu

I screwed with some bin files in MAC OSX, and can't log in. Anyways, I want a bootable ubuntu usb so I can recover my files/look at the disks. I KNOW HOW TO MAKE A USB BOOTABLE IN MAC. However, I do not know how to make one in Ubuntu. I have a computer with ubuntu, but need to make a bootable usb FOR A MAC. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:

You will of course need a OS X Installer Image. To get this you can follow the instructions here

After you have got your installer media, you can use ubunut's built-in utility Startup Disk Creator to make a bootable USB. SO, open dash and search for Startup Disk Creator and open it. Follow the on-screen instructions or refer to this document from ubuntu.

Solution 2:

Don't even think about using Ubuntu to fix OS X. Use the recovery partition which should be part of any modern installation of OS X, by booting and pressing CMD-R. You can then repair as needed - perhaps even install a fresh OS X on top of your existing installation which can fix most broken things.

See for details.

If everything goes completely wrong, restore from a Time Machine backup.

Solution 3:

Try installing unetbootin

sudo apt-get install unetbootin

and using your mac iso, install it to your usb