gnome-terminal multi-tab title position


After upgrading to Ubuntu 15.04, the Gnome Terminal tab title was set to the tab center.

How can I set the title to the left position of the tab?

Let me answer my question.

  1. Download the gnome-terminal source package

    apt-get source gnome-terminal
  2. Install the build dependencies required for gnome-terminal

    sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-terminal
  3. Rollback the change below

  1. Repackage the source code

    tar zcf gnome-terminal_3.14.2.orig.tar.gz gnome-terminal-3.14.2
  2. Build new gnome-terminal package

    debuild -b
  3. Install the new gnome-terminal package

    sudo dpkg -i gnome-terminal_xxx.deb