Adding a Subdomain DNS Record in Windows Server

I am attempting to add a couple sub domains to a production server. Lets say the server is 2K8 and the domain is I would like to add and Since this is a production server, I do not have the luxury of trial and error - I can't afford to bring the domain down while I learn how to create a subdomain. Another luxury I don't have is DNS skills.

My question is: What type of record do I add to my domain to create a local subdomain on a localhost site with port 81?

In Windows Server DNS manager I see the following:

DNS Overview

This expanded node is the site I want to add sub domains to. When my right click to add a subdomain record, I see these options:

enter image description here

At this point I dont know if I create another domain, an alias, a cname, a host, a delegation, or just lie down defeated in the corner in the fetal position clutching my knees while rocking back and forth and crying.

Thank you

Solution 1:

If you want to add a subdomain then you would select the New Domain item from the context menu and name it accordingly. Subsequent records created in the subdomain will end up as

If you simply want to create a DNS record for SD1 in the domain/zone then you would select the New Host (A or AAAA) item in the context menu and edit it accordingly. This will create an A record for SD1 in the domain/zone resulting in an A record of

Solution 2:

All you do is click "New Host (A or AAAA)..." and for the Name, type somehost.subdomain. "Subdomain" will automatically be added as a subdomain, and a host record named "somehost" will be created in that subdomain. Very simple.

It's good that you're careful around production servers, but consider getting yourself a little lab environment together, even if it only consists of VMs on your laptop, it will pay for itself many times over.