Which preposition to use in “communication [over, by, through, via, with] email”? [closed]

Which of these is most correct, and why?

  1. Our team kept in constant communication over email.
  2. Our team kept in constant communication by email.
  3. Our team kept in constant communication through email.
  4. Our team kept in constant communication via email.
  5. Our team kept in constant communication with email.

Solution 1:

When dealing with email, it's important to remember that it is short for "electronic mail". When trying to find the right word to use with email, drop the "e" and just consider "mail". If you do this, then "Our team kept in constant communication by mail" is the only appropriate choice. Thus, by should also be used with email.

Solution 2:

I'd go with "via". It wins the "Google war" by a large margin, although as we know that's not always indicative of anything.

  • communication over email - this could be interpreted as, the subject of the communication is email.

  • communication by email - I first wanted to parse this as the email is the thing doing the communicating.

  • communication through email - this could work; I think the only reason it sounds more awkward than "via" is that we're not used to it.

  • communication via email - this says exactly what you want, i.e. email is the method used for communication.

  • communication with email - this sounds like you're talking to the email.