How to hide webpack-dev-server log?

Solution 1:

in my case

const devServer = new webpackDevServer(complier ,{
  // quiet: true,
  noInfo: true,
  hot: true,
  historyApiFallback: true,
  clientLogLevel: 'silent'

set noInfo work well. but with quiet wds log still show, I dont know why

Solution 2:

For anyone coming here in regards to webpack-dev-server v4,

As per the v4 migration guide:

log, logLevel, logTime, quiet, noInfo, and reporter options were removed without replacement, now we use built-in logger.

So you need to add this to your Webpack config:

infrastructureLogging: {
  level: 'error',

Solution 3:

You can use:

devServer: {
  client: {
    logging: 'none'
