Visual Studio warning: "Some of the properties associated with the solution could not be read"

I just fixed a similar issue with a VS2010 solution with 35 projects... The cause was a duplicated


section in the solution file. I closed the solution, removed the duplicate GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) config and reloaded the solution and the warning message was gone.

If this is not the issue for you, considering you only have 2 projects I would ditch the busted solution file, create a fresh solution and re-add your two projects...

The best solution is to force the VS to regenerate the configs. To do this:

  1. Open the sln file with a text editor.
  2. Scroll down till you reach the last "EndProject" element.
  3. Delete everything after that.
  4. Save, Close and rebuild the solution and everything will be regenerated.

Seems like there is a number of reasons for this warning. I was getting it because my solution file SccNumberOfProjects = 4 when there was only 3.

I just fixed a similar issue in VS2012 with 44 projects.

The cause was a combination of a duplicated GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) section (a la Boycs' answer), but I also had several projects duplicated--as well as a few references to projects which had been recently removed--within the GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) section that I kept.

Once I had ensured that all of the referenced projects corresponded 1:1 with actual projects in my solution, the warning went away.

Aside: I suspect that the majority of these issues could have been avoided with closer attention paid to the .sln during branch and commit merges, but who knows what VS is thinking sometimes...

I had a multitude of the errors above. I renamed the project, saved closed, reopened changed the name back. This recreates the .sln file and in my case took out all the extra items.