How to get Ubuntu 15.04 running full-screen on VMware?

Solution 1:

It will work best, if you install the VMWare Tools. There is a kb article for you:

This will enable some features like shared clipboard.

Solution 2:

In the newer vmware versions goto view-> autosize-> autofit guest and in older versions go to view and press "Switch to scale mode" which will adjust the virtual screen when you adjust the application.

Hope it will solve your problem.

Solution 3:

To view Ubuntu in fullscreen inside VMware, follow these steps after enabling 3D acceleration in VMware:

  1. Install VMware tools in Ubuntu to enable dynamic screen re-sizing

  2. Change the display option to "Automatic/host screen"

  3. Ctrl+Alt+Enter to enable/disable full-screen mode.

Solution 4:

Just Install VMware Tool using sudo apt install open-vm-tools this will enable you clipboard copy paste, full screen and lots of features.

Solution 5:

Go to Settings->Display->Choose a 16:9 aspect ratio. Done. You can choose the optimal resolution as well to get best out of your monitor/screen.