DevExpress: How to get value by index in gridView?

Solution 1:

As a solution, you can use the BaseView.GetRow method. This method will return an object that represents your data source item. To get the item's data source index, use the ColumnView.GetDataSourceRowIndex method.

//It is just an example.. 
int dataSourceRowIndex = view.GetDataSourceRowIndex(gridView.FoucsedRowHandle);
//Let suppose you bind with datatable

You can use the FocusedRowHandle property to find the edited row. Also, you can use the CellValueChanged event and its e.RowHandle parameter.

To update values in your database, use one of the approaches described in the Post Data to an Underlying Data Source article, depending on the type of your data source.

How to get an item's data source row index of the sorted grid view
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