Angular CLI - ng serve - high cpu usage from node process

In Angular development context; transpilation/compilation causes CPU spike. When this happens too frequent, your system is in trouble.

There are certain ways to relieve the pain a little;

  • Turn off file change detection / live-reload / auto compilation entirely

ng serve --live-reload false or ng serve --no-live-reload etc. depending on your Angular CLI version

  • Have a better change detection, react only when really needed

npm install fsevents

npm rebuild fsevents

npm serve

  • Forget change detection, check changes based on a time interval

ng serve --poll [ms]

CPU management is tricky, there can be many reasons for this problem. These are only a few possibilities closely related to Angular development. I hope this answer provides some options to try to the ones having the same trouble.

Maybe you have similar setup for you hot/live reloading on Docker such as ng serve --host --poll 1. The poll value is problematic, change it on something larger, for example 2000, such that ng serve --host --poll 2000.

Now, you'll loose (almost) real-time hot/live reloading, but you'll save your CPU/battery and having 2 seconds delay before your app will refresh the changed code.