Force decimal point instead of comma in HTML5 number input (client-side)

I have seen that some browsers localize the input type="number" notation of numbers.

So now, in fields where my application displays longitude and latitude coordinates, I get stuff like "51,983" where it should be "51.982559". My workaround is to use input type="text" instead, but I'd like to use the number input with correct display of decimals.

Is there a way to force browsers to use a decimal point in the number input, regardless of client-side local settings?

(It goes without saying that in my application I anyway correct this on the server side, but in my setup I also need it to be correct on the client side (because of some JavaScript)).

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE As of right now, checking in Chrome Version 28.0.1500.71 m on Windows 7, the number input just does not accept decimals formatted with a comma. Proposed suggestions with the stepattribute do not seem to work.

With the step attribute specified to the precision of the decimals you want, and the lang attribute [which is set to a locale that formats decimals with period], your html5 numeric input will accept decimals. eg. to take values like 10.56; i mean 2 decimal place numbers, do this:

<input type="number" step="0.01" min="0" lang="en" value="1.99">

You can further specify the max attribute for the maximum allowable value.

Edit Add a lang attribute to the input element with a locale value that formats decimals with point instead of comma

Currently, Firefox honors the language of the HTML element in which the input resides. For example, try this fiddle in Firefox:

You will see that the numerals are in Arabic, and the comma is used as the decimal separator, which is the case with Arabic. This is because the BODY tag is given the attribute lang="ar-EG".

Next, try this one:

This one is displayed with a dot as the decimal separator because the input is wrapped in a DIV given the attribute lang="en-US".

So, a solution you may resort to is to wrap your numeric inputs with a container element that is set to use a culture that uses dots as the decimal separator.

According to the spec, You can use any as the value of step attribute:

<input type="number" step="any">

Use lang attribut on the input. Locale on my web app fr_FR, lang="en_EN" on the input number and i can use indifferently a comma or a dot. Firefox always display a dot, Chrome display a comma. But both separtor are valid.

Sadly, the coverage of this input field in the modern browsers is very low:

Therefore, I recommend to expect the fallback and rely on a heavy-programmatically-loaded input[type=text] to do the job, until the field is generally accepted.

So far, only Chrome, Safari and Opera have a neat implementation, but all other browsers are buggy. Some of them, don't even seem to support decimals (like BB10)!