how to check two maps are equal in dart

Is it possible to check two maps are equals or not like java equals?

void main() {
  Map map1 = {'size': 38, 'color': 'red'};
  Map map2 = {'size': 38, 'color': 'red'};

  if(map1== map2){//both keys and values

I found mapEquals.

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

void main() {
  Map map1 = {'size': 38, 'color': 'red'};
  Map map2 = {'size': 38, 'color': 'red'};

  if(mapEquals(map1, map2)){

Use MapEquality().equals(Object a, Object b). It will return true or false.

import 'package:collection/equality.dart';

MapEquality().equals(map1, map2)

For Flutter, if you have a nested Map and you need to check its equality with another nested object in terms of key and value mappings use :

import 'package:collection/collection.dart';

if(DeepCollectionEquality().equals(map1, map2)) {
  print('Maps are equal');
} else {
  print('Maps are not equal');

For non-Flutter Dart code, package:quiver provides a mapsEqual function to compare Maps (and similar functions for Lists and Sets).

Any of these answer didn't worked for me.

I tried map1.toString() == map2.toString() and it worked.