Using Haskell's map function to calculate the sum of a list


addm (x:xs) = sum(x:xs)

I was able to achieve to get a sum of a list using sum function but is it possible to get the sum of a list using map function? Also what the use of map function?

You can't really use map to sum up a list, because map treats each list element independently from the others. You can use map for example to increment each value in a list like in

map (+1) [1,2,3,4] -- gives [2,3,4,5]

Another way to implement your addm would be to use foldl:

addm' = foldl (+) 0

Here it is, the supposedly impossible definition of sum in terms of map:

sum' xs  =  let { ys = 0 : map (\(a,b) -> a + b) (zip xs ys) } in last ys

this actually shows how scanl can be implemented in terms of map (and zip and last), the above being equivalent to foldl (+) 0 xs === last $ scanl (+) 0 xs:

scanl' f z xs  =  let { ys = z : map (uncurry f) (zip ys xs) } in ys

I expect one can calculate many things with map, arranging for all kinds of information flow through zip.

edit: the above is just a zipWith in disguise of course (and zipWith is kind of a map2):

sum' xs  =  let { ys = 0 : zipWith (+) ys xs } in last ys

This seems to suggest that scanl is more versatile than foldl.

It is not possible to use map to reduce a list to its sum. That recursive pattern is a fold.

sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum = foldr (+) 0

As an aside, note that you can define map as a fold as well:

map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
map f = fold (\x xs -> f x : xs) []

This is because foldr is the canonical recursive function on lists.

References: A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold, Graham Hutton, J. Functional Programming 9 (4): 355–372, July 1999.

After some insights I have to add another answer: You can't get the sum of a list with map, but you can get the sum with its monadic version mapM. All you need to do is to use a Writer monad (see LYAHFGG) over the Sum monoid (see LYAHFGG).

I wrote a specialized version, which is probably easier to understand:

data Adder a = Adder a Int

instance Monad Adder where
  return x = Adder x 0
  (Adder x s) >>= f = let Adder x' s' = f x
                      in Adder x' (s + s') 

toAdder x = Adder x x

sum' xs = let Adder _ s = mapM toAdder xs in s  

main = print $ sum' [1..100]

Adder is just a wrapper around some type which also keeps a "running sum." We can make Adder a monad, and here it does some work: When the operation >>= (a.k.a. "bind") is executed, it returns the new result and the value of the running sum of that result plus the original running sum. The toAdder function takes an Int and creates an Adder that holds that argument both as wrapped value and as running sum (actually we're not interested in the value, but only in the sum part). Then in sum' mapM can do its magic: While it works similar to map for the values embedded in the monad, it executes "monadic" functions like toAdder, and chains these calls (it uses sequence to do this). At this point, we get through the "backdoor" of our monad the interaction between list elements that the standard map is missing.