Can I play audio from my iPhone on my Mac?

Can I attach my iPhone 3GS to my Mac Pro so that the iPhone's audio plays through the Mac Pro's speakers?

I can easily attach my Bose headphones so that the music from the iPhone plays through them… that's cool… but I want others to hear the music through my Mac Pro's speaker system.

Solution 1:

Simple, and simply surprising:

  1. First, check that you have enabled the iPhone/iPad as an audio input device in Audio Midi

enter image description here

  1. Plug in your iPhone to your Mac using your Lightning Cable (doesn't work with 30 pin iPhones, sorry. [Yes I know you said 3GS])

  2. Launch QuickTime Player

  3. Choose File> New Audio Recording

  4. Click the hard-to-see down arrow next to the Record 'button', choose iPhone under 'Microphone'

  5. Play your music, game whatever on your iPhone, sound will come thru your Mac.

No need to hit record, the sound will play even if you don't record. Just turn up the volume.

enter image description here

Note: for those who want a louder volume, go to the system preferences on your Mac. Then go to the sound settings and you can increase the output volume so it is louder.

Solution 2:

You can play your iPhone's music out your mac via iTunes. You don't even have to be in sync with that iTunes library, just plug it in, navigate to your music, and press play.

If you're talking about like game audio coming out your mac's speakers... I'd take your speakers and plug them straight into the phone. There's no way I know of to use the mac as an audio route from the phone.

Solution 3:

The LineIn free app worked great.

The Rogue Amoeba product LineIn is an excellent free utility for listening to external audio.

Advantages over QuickTime Player

LineIn has several advantages:

  • LineIn has lower (nearly none!) audio lag, whereas QuickTime Player has about ~500ms of increased audio latency.
  • Does not shift to the wrong speed/pitch issue; this is a problem that sometimes manifests with QuickTime Player.
  • Does not replace the top bar with 9:41 AM and 100% Battery.

How To

  1. After plugging the iPhone on your Mac (via Lightning/USB), enable the audio device in Audio Midi Audio Midi

  2. Launch the, and select iPhone as the input source:

  3. Hit Play Thru and you're done!


  • Make sure the iPhone is not muted.
  • Step one will need to be done again once the iPhone is unplugged and plugged back in.

Solution 4:

Run Airfoil Speakers on your'll then allow you to airplay just like you would to an apple TV or airport express. You do have to be on the same wifi network for this to work.

Solution 5:

If your iPhone is running (I think) 4.0 or above, I think most machines should be able to mount the phone and play the music through iTunes.