pip3 installs failing

Solution 1:

easy_install3 needed upgraded. This can be done by running the following in the terminal:

sudo easy_install3 -U pip

Solution 2:

Traceback says you're missing requests lib. Try

apt-get install --reinstall python3-requests

pip as any other application require certain libraries. In this case it requires requests lib to download files from net. If you check python3-pip package requirements ( apt-cache show python3-pip ) you will see all the required packages. After installation you can use pip to update those libraries as well as pip itself ( pip install --upgrade pip ).

You can try to update pip ( as above ) and requests or simply download pip directly from net: wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py && python get-pip.py

NOTE: if you have python3-requests installed and it still is not working, it means that you have either requests lib in too old version or something is wrong with your python path. Reinstalling pip might help with that:

apt-get remove --purge python3-pip && apt-get install python3-pip