How can I get information about an network interface uptime?

I have an Ubuntu machine and a Debian machine.

On both I want to be able to see for how long an network interface has been connected. (That is, connected to a network getting an IP etc. Not the physical state of a cabel). Uptime in seconds or date + time since last change or anything similar.

As of now I have written a little script to do the task but it seems there should be a more general way to check this. A program or something in /proc or such.

My script:


if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then

    if TMP=$(grep -i 'ubuntu' /etc/os-release); then

        # we are on ubuntu
        for i in $(/bin/ls -1 /var/log/syslog* | sort -r); do
                TMP=$(zgrep '(eth0): device state change: ip-config -> activated' "$i" | tail -1 | sed "s/ "$(hostname)"/*/")

        WHEN=$(echo "$TMP" | cut -f1 -d '*')
        SEC=$(echo "$(date +%s) - $(date -d "$WHEN" +%s)" | bc)
        echo "Last link up: $WHEN ($SEC seconds ago)."

    elif TMP=$(grep -i 'debian' /etc/os-release); then

        # we are on debian
        TMP=$(grep 'eth0: link up' /var/log/syslog* | tail -1 | cut -f2- -d':' | sed "s/ "$(uname -n)" kernel:/*/")
        WHEN=$(echo "$TMP" | cut -f1 -d '*')
        SEC=$(echo "$(date +%s) - $(date -d "$WHEN" +%s)" | bc)
        echo "Last link up: $WHEN ($SEC seconds ago)."


    echo "File /etc/os-release not found."

On my machine dhclient is restarted by NetworkManager when re-connecting to the network. So maybe you can use the start time of the dhclient process?

ps -o start,cmd $(pgrep dhclient)

The Linux kernel does not track the time an interface is started.

Within struct net_device there is no field which holds a jiffies value for when an interface is started.

The best you can manage is some inferred method from userspace scripts and logs.