"Can not mount /dev/loop0" during install from CD

Your computer may not have enough RAM to use the Desktop CD. Try installing with the Alternate CD and see if you have any better success.

See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements

Also you might want to double check the CD image has downloaded properly:

  • Unable to mount /dev/loop0 during install

I had the same error when my .iso file was missing some bits. Redownloading and mounting it again solved it for me.

Guys it seems that this issue has more to do with what kind of drive your packing than not enough free space, i have found that an easy way to solve this problem is to download the ubuntu 10.10(it does not have to be this verison, this just happens to be the latest one) dvd version. These "DVD Versions" tend to be 4GB in size as appose to the regular 690-700mb ISO File. Please tell me if this has also solved your problem.

I had this error when installing 10.10 64 bit from CD-R. I then burned the same iso image to dvd-r and also changed bios plug-and-play option from off to on - error is gone.