git clone through ssh

This is possibly unrelated directly to the question; but one mistake I just made myself, and I see in the OP, is the URL specification ssh://user@server:/GitRepos/myproject.git - namely, you have both a colon :, and a forward slash / after it signifying an absolute path.

I then found Git clone, ssh: Could not resolve hostname – git , development – Nicolas Kuttler (as that was the error I was getting, on git version, noting:

The problem with the command I used initially was that I tried to use an scp-like syntax.

... which was also my problem! So basically in git with ssh, you either use

  • ssh://[email protected]/absolute/path/to/repo.git/ - just a forward slash for absolute path on server
  • [email protected]:relative/path/to/repo.git/ - just a colon (it mustn't have the ssh:// for relative path on server (relative to home dir of username on server machine)

Hope this helps someone,

For repositories on GitHub, try:

git clone ssh://[email protected]/<user>/<repository name>.git

For setting up git to clone via ssh see:

  • Generating SSH Keys and add your generated key in Account Settings -> SSH Keys

  • Cloning with SSH