How does Chrome decide what to highlight when you double-click Japanese text?

If you double-click English text in Chrome, the whitespace-delimited word you clicked on is highlighted. This is not surprising. However, the other day I was clicking while reading some text in Japanese and noticed that some words were highlighted at word boundaries, even though Japanese doesn't have spaces. Here's some example text:


For example, if you click on 薄暗い, Chrome will correctly highlight it as a single word, even though it's not a single character class (this is a mix of kanji and hiragana). Not all the highlights are correct, but they don't seem random.

How does Chrome decide what to highlight here? I tried searching the Chrome source for "japanese word" but only found tests for an experimental module that doesn't seem active in my version of Chrome.

So it turns out v8 has a non-standard multi-language word segmenter and it handles Japanese.

function tokenizeJA(text) {
  var it = Intl.v8BreakIterator(['ja-JP'], {type:'word'})
  var words = []

  var cur = 0, prev = 0

  while (cur < text.length) {
    prev = cur
    cur =
    words.push(text.substring(prev, cur))

  return words

// ["どこ", "で", "生れ", "たか", "とんと", "見当", "が", "つ", "か", "ぬ", "。", "何でも", "薄暗い", "じめじめ", "した", "所", "で", "ニャーニャー", "泣", "い", "て", "いた事", "だけ", "は", "記憶", "し", "て", "いる", "。"]

I also made a jsfiddle that shows this.

The quality is not amazing but I'm surprised this is supported at all.

Based on links posted by JonathonW, the answer basically boils down to: "There's a big list of Japanese words and Chrome checks to see if you double-clicked in a word."

Specifically, v8 uses ICU to do a bunch of Unicode-related text processing things, including breaking text up into words. The ICU boundary-detection code includes a "Dictionary-Based BreakIterator" for languages that don't have spaces, including Japanese, Chinese, Thai, etc.

And for your specific example of "薄暗い", you can find that word in the combined Chinese-Japanese dictionary shipped by ICU (line 255431). There are currently 315,671 total Chinese/Japanese words in the list. Presumably if you find a word that Chrome doesn't split properly, you could send ICU a patch to add that word.