Determining the major/minor axes of an ellipse from general form

If you are looking for the length of the minor and major axis you can calculate $ r_{min} $ and $ r_{max} $ (see formulae below).

If you are trying to determine the bounding box, you can calculate the left-most, right-most, top-most and bottom-most points.

As far as the angle of rotation is concerned, I use the algorithm and formulae below.

Properties of an ellipse from equation for conic sections in general quadratic form

Given the equation for conic sections in general quadratic form: $ a x^2 + b x y + c y^2 + d x + e y + f = 0 $.

The equation represents an ellipse if $ b^2 - 4 a c < 0 $ , or similarly, $ 4 a c - b^2 > 0 $

The coefficient normalizing factor is given by:

$ q = 64 {{f (4 a c - b^2) - a e^2 + b d e - c d^2} \over {(4ac - b^2)^2}} $

The distance between center and focal point (either of the two) is given by:

$ s = {1 \over 4} \sqrt { |q| \sqrt { b^2 + (a - c)^2 }} $

The semi-major axis length is given by:

$ r_\max = {1 \over 8} \sqrt { 2 |q| {\sqrt{b^2 + (a - c)^2} - 2 q (a + c) }} $

The semi-minor axis length is given by:

$ r_\min = \sqrt {{r_\max}^2 - s^2} $

The center of the ellipse is given by:

$ x_\Delta = { b e - 2 c d \over 4 a c - b^2} $

$ y_\Delta = { b d - 2 a e \over 4 a c - b^2} $

The top-most point on the ellipse is given by:

$ y_T = y_\Delta + {\sqrt {(2 b d - 4 a e)^2 + 4(4 a c - b^2)(d^2 - 4 a f)} \over {2(4 a c - b^2)}} $

$ x_T = {{-b y_T - d} \over {2 a}} $

The bottom-most point on the ellipse is given by:

$ y_B = y_\Delta - {\sqrt {(2 b d - 4 a e)^2 + 4(4 a c - b^2)(d^2 - 4 a f)} \over {2(4 a c - b^2)}} $

$ x_B = {{-b y_B - d} \over {2 a}} $

The left-most point on the ellipse is given by:

$ x_L = x_\Delta - {\sqrt {(2 b e - 4 c d)^2 + 4(4 a c - b^2)(e^2 - 4 c f)} \over {2(4 a c - b^2)}} $

$ y_L = {{-b x_L - e} \over {2 c}} $

The right-most point on the ellipse is given by:

$ x_R = x_\Delta + {\sqrt {(2 b e - 4 c d)^2 + 4(4 a c - b^2)(e^2 - 4 c f)} \over {2(4 a c - b^2)}} $

$ y_R = {{-b x_R - e} \over {2 c}} $

The angle between x-axis and major axis is given by:

if $ (q a - q c = 0) $ and $ (q b = 0) $ then $ \theta = 0 $
if $ (q a - q c = 0) $ and $ (q b > 0) $ then $ \theta = {1 \over 4} \pi $
if $ (q a - q c = 0) $ and $ (q b < 0) $ then $ \theta = {3 \over 4} \pi $
if $ (q a - q c > 0) $ and $ (q b >= 0) $ then $ \theta = {1 \over 2} {atan ({b \over {a - c}})} $
if $ (q a - q c > 0) $ and $ (q b < 0) $ then $ \theta = {1 \over 2} {atan ({b \over {a - c}})} + {\pi} $
if $ (q a - q c < 0) $ then $ \theta = {1 \over 2} {atan ({b \over {a - c}})} + {1 \over 2}{\pi} $

For convenience, I'll use the form with double terms,


First you need to center the ellipse with


The center is found by canceling the linear terms, wich gives


The equation then reduces to


In polar coordinates,


We want to find the extrema of $r$. They are also the extrema of the trigonometric factor and we determine them by cancelling the derivative.

$$-A\cos(t)\sin(t)+B(\cos^2(t)-\sin^2(t))+C\sin(t)\cos(t)=0$$ which we rewrite, by the double angle formulas


which gives


The solution is $$t=\frac12\arctan\left(\frac{2B}{A-C}\right)+k\frac\pi2,$$

(giving the directions of the axis, which are orthogonal), and the semi-axis lengths are

$$r=\sqrt{\frac G{A\cos^2(t)+2B\cos(t)\sin(t)+C\sin^2(t)}}.$$

One can notice that the ellipse parameters are directly related to the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the matrix


After diagonalization of the matrix, the equation of the ellipse becomes

$$\lambda x^2+\mu y^2=G,$$ which is of the well-known form

$$\left(\frac x{\sqrt{\frac G\lambda}}\right)^2+\left(\frac y{\sqrt{\frac G\mu}}\right)^2=1.$$